Knob & Tube Wiring Inspection and Replacement
How do you know what type of wiring is in your home? If it was built before 1950 then more than likely you have knob & tube wiring. You can always take advantage of the wiring services of Far West Electric. We’ll make sure that we replace your old wiring with current up to date wiring.
Older home’s wiring systems need to be replaced for many reasons. One of these reasons is that old wiring is simply outdated. Outdated wiring is nothing more than a fire hazard. Just think of brittle wires carrying electricity throughout the home.
This wiring type was used in homes when there were less power demands. Knob & tube was the preferred type of wiring in the early days as it was not so much in demand during the late 1800s and early 1900s.
Escondido knob & tube does not use a ground wire anywhere in its system. This is why it increases the risk for fires in three prong outlets. Appliances such as the refrigerator, computers and video game systems use the three prong outlet as an electrical source.
Fire risks can cause the homeowner to lose everything. Electrical problems are ideal fire risks as older wiring is nothing more than a death trap in your home. This is why you need the professionals from Far West Electric to replace yours.
How to calculate the cost for replacing outdated wiring:
- Determine the age of your home
- The size of the home
- Check out your voltage system to see if it connects to an outside utility pole
- Get several estimates from several electricians
Knowing what type of wiring that’s in your home will help prevent any future problems from happening. Here is how to determine what type of wiring that you have inside your home. You can take these simple steps before calling Far West Electric to replace yours:
- Check home for push button style light switches
- Determine whether your outlets are two or three pronged
- Locate the breaker box or fuse center
Knob & tube will need to be taken out of the home safely. We’ll take every precaution possible to ensure that your home and your family are kept safe all throughout. We have the proper equipment and manpower to do all electrical jobs safely.
Turning the breaker off is the main thing that we start out every job with. Dealing with fuse boxes and wiring can be very dangerous so please call Far West Electric for knob & tube wiring removal. Our electricians are professionally trained and certified to get a job done to your standards.
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